domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

The picture of My grandmother!

This picture is a photo of my grandmother. Her name was Raquel, but I naming Lolo or Lolito.
My cousin Rocio took it this photo in november of 2012 in the birthday of my grandmother.
My grandmother died four  months ago,  this was so hurd to me and my family, and this picture show the nice smile that she always had.
I have a lots pictures of her, but this is my favorite, because its one of them that better show the essence of my grandmother. Her smile, her tenderly.
Always see this photo and remembered her.
Nobody know how much important was she for me and i know that nobody and nothing bring to me back my grandmother, but i always been thinking of her.
I have this picture in my profile of facebook, because I stay a lot time in this space, so always see her face and remember  the things  we did and the thing her was saying.
I love her so much. You can know now what is my faovorite picture and hers meaning to me. 

2 comentarios:

  1. That cute smile of your grandmother and photography, Kisses Pamela.

  2. is very sad but good that your grandmother remains in your heart forever. kisses
